fredag 30 december 2011

I guess it was a biggie

Den nya röntgen på min arm som gjordes i Uppsala igår (9 dagar efter craschen) resulterade i en helt annan diagnos än Sälens sjukstuga tidigare satt. Det blev akut operation inatt. Handen hade hoppat ur led och tagit med sig nån benbit (struntar i medicinska termer nu). Så dom har som satt ihop allt igen nu. Antar att det är bra att det inte är båtbenet iaf.

De inkompetenta läkarna i Sälen missade allt på röntgen, drog nån random slutsats och gipsade mig "så länge bara". 

Nu har jag kommit hem från sjukan med en för tillfället helt oanvändbar högerarm, tokig smärta, förvirrade och frustrerande tankar samt en burk morfin. Fruktansvärt overkligt! Jag skulle ju åka massa snowboard nu. Vad fan gör man?? När kan jag stå på brädan igen??

På sjukan i väntan på besked.

Under julfirandet i Umeå, i förhoppning att kunna shredda snowboard med gips.
Jag var hemma i Umeå och firade jul tillsammans med min familj. (GOD JUL lite så här försent förresten!) Vackert smyckat gips av kära vänner. Tog med mig brädan upp till Umeå, tänkte att det kanske skulle kunna gå att filma ett spot eller två i mellandagarna. Trots skadan... Men vi åkte aldrig nån bräda där, vilket kanske var tur med tanke på diagnosen jag fick i Uppsala senare.

torsdag 22 december 2011

A little edit from World Snowboarding Day in Tandådalen

This is some fun clips of me from the World Snowboarding Day 2011 in Tandådalen. The rails are small, the tricks might not be perfect, but it´s the beginning of the season and it´s all just for fun, eeey!

filming anders claesson, jakob edman, edmund erikssson

editing tove holmgren

tisdag 20 december 2011

This is fuck but what the fuck

Such a great day in Tandådalen with happy shredding and awesome people! Making spins in the arenajump and oh my god I was smiling! Untill the frontsideseven-crash and I got pissed! My arm kind of broke and I was rude, said many very bad words and was throwing things (sorry guys). The x-ray showed that it might be a navicularfracture (båtbensfraktur) but they are not sure. Gypsum in 10 days, then we´ll see. 

But of course you can snowboard with a gypsum. Maybe not now, but soon. No biggie.

The bump on the top of the right arm was there before since an older injury. But not the other bump.

måndag 19 december 2011

World Snowboarding Day

I have been in Sälen now with Anna Engstrand, Caroline Degardh and Sara Fors and we have had a great time snowboarding and laughing!
Yesterday was the World Snowboarding Day and there was some awesome shredd going on! And when the lift closed me, Jakod Edmand, Edmund Eriksson and Anders Claesson from Rip Curl was hiking and filming the rails in the park untill we had no energy left.

This is just clips from a coming videoedit, so that´s why it´s so bad quality.

Haha, I hit my head and face so many times this weekend so I feel a little bit dizzy. I crashed my helmet so I need a new one.

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onsdag 14 december 2011

Sälen and World Snowboarding Day

Sälen next. Going up tomorrow so I can do some snowboard over the weekend and maybe the beginning of next week. 
This is what´s gonna happen on sunday on the World Snowboarding Day! 

På Söndag (18e December) är det World Snowboarding Day. Det betyder att har man möjlighet så skall man befinna sig på sin snowboard och ha kul. Rip Curl bjuder därför in dig till en heldag i Tandådalen Sälen ihop med teamåkarna Jakob Edman och Tove Holmgren. Alla får vara med och vi samlas kl 11.00 bakom Wärdshuset. Följ Rip Curl flaggorna och gå fram till tältet. Efter dagens slut kommer Tove och Jakob utse en vinnare som dom tycker förtjänar ett nytt kit från Rip Curl. Jacka och byxa. Vi kommer även lotta ut lite feta prylar under dagen också. Så kom till Tandådalen på Söndag och var med och fira världens bästa dag. WORLD SNOWBOARDING DAY!!! 

måndag 12 december 2011

The weekend in Åre

a lot of liftproblems (they had to evacuate people from the lift),
some sort of streetmission with the best Sanne Mona and her new camera,
red wine with a taste of italy,

mulled wine with almonds,
tacos (kind of every day),
Rip Curls the Gum movie,

happy people,

And what´s up next?
Work a few days and then snowboard somewhere again. I want to start filming streetspots so I hope that´s what up soon. Otherwise I will maybe go to Sälen because they have set a few rails in the slope. 

torsdag 8 december 2011

Åre for the weekend

I´m sitting in our livingroom waiting for Sanne Mona. We are gonna drive to Åre over the weekend and I heard it´s snow up there? And Rip Curl are having their premiere for The Gum Movie. Looking forward to shredd some snowboard!

Just kind of waiting.

onsdag 7 december 2011

PVC session in Uppsala

It´s the beginning of december and there is almost no snow at all. But the other night we got a few beautiful snowflakes that fell from the sky while we were playing on our tube. It was me, Robert, Rasmus, Rolf and Fredrik. Daniel Bernstål was there and took theese picutres.





fredag 2 december 2011

"Känn lugnet", feel the calm or whatever

No snow outside my window, not even a white little spot. It´s kind of raining and I can almost feel a tear on my cheek. I feel sad and a bit frustrated. But what can I do?? The weather is one thing you can´t to anything about but I´m getting stressed anyways!!. 
My friends says to me all the time: "Känn lugnet" Tove, relaaaaax.

I am, of course, trying to do the best of the situation. I mean, I´m just not sitting on my ass and do nothing. The other day I got this crazy impulsive idea to book a flight to Breckenridge for some pre-season snowboarding for two weeks. But I sat down, counted how much it would cost, and got to the conclusion that then I would not afford to do anything the rest of the season. So until the snow will start to dump I´m gonna ride som pvc, work at the Wesc shop and do some workout and just "Känna lugnet" and don´t be stressed!

Me and my workingbuddie Henrik has been decorating the Wescstore in PUB to get some christmas-spirit.